Monday, August 24, 2009

Info For March On Sacramento 8/28

August 28th, 2009 12-5 p.m.
State Capitol Building - Sacramento

First I'd like to apologize for not writing this earlier. There is so much information coming at me that I sometimes miss the e-mail. (Over 300 e-mails per day.)

Well, let's get caught up. August 28th is coming up on us swiftly, but we are prepared. However we still have many people who are asking how they can help. Here are two ideas. If you have any questions that are unanswered by that site, please e-mail them.

1. Go to and download the promotional flyers you'll find there. Please print and distribute as many as you can. We don't want anyone who can attend to say they didn't know about the event.

2. Check out our new promotional video for the event by clicking here. Please spread this around to everyone you know.

The speakers list is growing, so I do not know everyone who is going to be there. I can, however, give you a clue. I know Congressman Tom McClintock and Congressman Nunes will be here, as will talk radio personalities Armstrong and Getty, Eric Hogue, and Andy Caldwell. Andrew Breitbart, noted conservative Hollywood blogger, of will also be here.

Eric Hogue (mentioned above) of KTKZ's Capitol Hour (AM 1380) will be on hand to broadcast live, Andy Caldwell of KINF on the Central Coast will do the same, and we expect to have many more talk show hosts broadcasting live from our on-site media center.

Yes, there will be live-streaming! On Eric's Townhall website, he has interviews with Mark Meckler (California's Tea Party Co-Coordiator) and Congressman Tom McClintock.

If you want to come in the night before, rooms have been reserved at the Hyatt Regency across the street from the Capitol building. The rate is $129.00 per night if you mention the Sacramento Tea Party. You can reach the Hyatt at 916-443-1234.

Bring Your Family and Friends. Tell all the business owners you know. It's time to get government off of our backs and set California businesses free to create jobs and prosperity for all.

There is one more (that I know of) issue to discussed. They need many volunteers to do:

1. Set Up
2. Tear Down
3. Crowd Control
4. Registration - booth and clip board
5. Merchandise
6. Donations
7. Information

(If you can help, please send an email with your volunteer area of interest (from the list above), in the subject line at: Tea Party Coalition.)

You may avail yourself to more than one item. There are going to be press critters, thousands of us and we need as many of us as can come, so we want to keep it as organized as possible.

A word from myself. Please don't litter. If you cannot find a garbage can, maybe you can bring an extra bag? You know the kind they give you when you buy some groceries? They make excellent garbage collecters. I hope to meet so many of you there! I am really looking forward to this.

In case this is the first you've been to this site, I have never done anything like this before in my life until April 15, 2009 and July 4, 2009. They say it gets easier with time. I have one question. WHO IN THE HECK IS "THEY"? hehehe. Have fun with this as well as speaking your mind.

This is important, but let it not take away from us those we hold dear and all the other important things in our lives. It is a shame that Congress and the California Assembly do not realize this, but the most valuable things in our lives cost not one red cent...and they could never provide it. *sigh* Digg! Digg!


  1. Nevada County is coming too.
    3 buses and hope to pack the train from Auburn
    Robinson Timber ( our local logging ferm )
    is sending a crew as well.
    I will be staying in the same hotel as well.
    Hope to meet some of you.

  2. Wow. Thank you so much for your support. I understand that this may even be effecting you guys. This is awful. I pray for your economy to improve, for your people to be employed at earnings they deserve, and that all of you are well.

    I am writing this after the event (sorry, I was so busy!), so you know it was a blast. I had so much fun while at the same time scaring the assemblycritters out of there. hahaha. If they only knew how peaceful it was but then again, what if they did show up? . ;)


Everyone please be civil to one another. The quickest way to lose a debate and the hearts and minds of the reader is to call them names. We are all Americans, we just disagree.