Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Hurry: Save Our Water Petition!

There is a petition going around for Californians, but it must be signed by tomorrow. Please help us to spread this far and wide so we can get as many signatures as possible. I've already signed it. Won't you help?
Final “Rush” in PLF’s “Save Our Water” Petition Drive

The rush is on! Pacific Legal Foundation's (PLF’s) “Save Our Water” petition campaign heads into its final days. Over 11,700 citizens have signed the petition to urge Governor Schwarzenegger and President Obama to support the convening of the so-called “God Squad” to alleviate the human misery from the regulatory drought. Thank you for your support and we urge others to sign before the August 19, 2009, deadline. Next Wednesday, PLF joins other petition supporters, including the California Chamber of Commerce, Western Growers, Representative George Radanovich, farmers, and farmworkers at the state Capitol in Sacramento at a news conference.

California’s water crisis continues to gather media attention. Fox News’ Sean Hannity featured a live segment with Paul Rodriguez of the California Latino Water Coalition, and Representative Devin Nunes from an almond orchard in Huron, one of the hardest-hit areas by the government-imposed drought.


Robin L. Rivett, President
Pacific Legal Foundation
I appreciate every signature. It is necessary for us in California to have enough water so that we may survive. It is also necessary for America since we produce 40% of the world's products. I don't know how produce is in the 40%, but I imagine it is quite a bit. So you see, they must stop playing games with ecology! Thank you.

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