Thursday, October 7, 2010

LB Patriots Mentioned In Press-Telegram!

All the hard work, the many Tea Parties, the protesting at Richardson's office, the travelling, it has paid off this Monday. We have finally been mentioned in the Press-Telegram which is our local newspaper. The link is right here. I hope you enjoy it! Have a blessed day.

May you walk with the LORD always, and when you cannot take another step, may He carry you the rest of the way until you can walk along side Him again.


  1. Well, Rosemary, the Long Beach Tea Party made it into the newspaper again today... but not in a good way.

    Check the Letters to the Editor in today's Grunion Gazette (10/4), which are also posted online here: Scroll down to the letter about "Tea Bags."

    This letter was written by a resident of the Los Altos neighborhood about Tea Party littering and pollution at flood control channels. A misguided Tea Party member has been hanging tea bags on these fences, which protect what once was a natural creek that ran through this neighborhood -- that still flows within the channel and takes Tea Party trash with it.

    It's also irresponsible to hang tea bags because they contribute to the growing problem of caffeine in our groundwater supplies. Caffeine is a serious pollutant -- it's used to identlfy polluted urban water flows when they leak into oceans and lakes, and contributes to long-term community illnesses.

    Please ask your members to stop littering our streets, waterways and ocean. Pollution and littering are NEVER acceptable forms of political speech.

  2. If you ever get the name of this so-called member, please let me know immediately! I do NOT allow littering on any grounds where we have our rallies, and we do leave the places cleaner than when we arrived.

    This hurts me to my heart. I am a smoker. I learned that the drains carry everything through the drain into the ocean. I was horrifified. I do not even leave a cigarrette butt on the ground. I do not want the fish to eat something that could harm them.

    Believe it or not, I am very conscience of my environment. I just don't go to the extreme that some ppl do when they believe animals and the such are more important than ppl. (I rescue cats, so you can't even get me on that one, haha).

    Thank you for the info. I will check this out. I just don't know how I can this person since we are so loosely knit together. Any suggestions? Have a blessed day.


Everyone please be civil to one another. The quickest way to lose a debate and the hearts and minds of the reader is to call them names. We are all Americans, we just disagree.