Friday, October 23, 2009

New Group For Members

I shall continue to write here so everyone may stay up to date, but I have opened a google groups site today for the members of Long Beach Patriots who are interested in keeping the pressure on these government critters. I have been writing news and mailing it many people, but I do not know who or how many really want these emails.

I know I don't particularly like it when I receive so many emails that I have to delete some of them. I don't like it because I always feel bad. When someone takes the time to send me an email, I like to have the decency to read it.

When I started receiving 200 emails I thought, "Oh my! This is a lot!" I long for those days! haha. A lot of it is news, however, but I'm a news junkie. *sigh*

This new site is privacy protected. It shall only be available to those who respond to the email I sent them. It is a private site, so people can feel free to speak. Tough luck, Obama. This is still America!

The first time I had Tea Party on April 15th, I had no idea what I was getting into. That's okay though. I've been wanting to get active in a good way for many years now. If you live in the Long Beach, California area, email me. I'll have to 'interview' you to make sure you're not from ACORN or SEIU before you get anywhere close to an invitation! *heh*

Just wanted to keep you up to date. Don't forget the Central Valley Tea Party's Boot Camp this Saturday, Michael Fell's protest outside of Sen. Feinstein's office in Santa Monica on Monday (4-7 pm), and get your copy of Not Evil, Just Wrong.

A Good Weekend to All!

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Everyone please be civil to one another. The quickest way to lose a debate and the hearts and minds of the reader is to call them names. We are all Americans, we just disagree.